Treating Colds & Flus Naturally

Influenza Virus via Electron Microscope

Influenza Virus via Electron Microscope

Imagine for a moment waiting for the TTC, the harsh wind blowing in your face and ears; quickly realizing you didn’t dress warmly enough.  Perhaps you’re in the ‘splash zone’ of a fellow Torontonian that forgot to ‘sneeze in their sleeve’. Or maybe, just maybe, you’re late for that appointment, car on the way, hair nearly sopping wet.

 The next thing you know, your body is aching, a chill runs through you and your throat starts to scratch…Now you’ve gone and done it…you’re getting sick…

 As we all know, germs, viruses and bacteria can be easily spread amongst people once coming into contact with an infectious agent. But due to these dips in the thermometer as of late, people tend to get sick; I see it in clinic all the time, especially this fall. How can we explain this?

 TCM has confidently treated colds and flus, aka Wind Heat or Wind Cold invasions for centuries. The trick is to catch the cold or flu in the beginning stages, when you’re feeling achy, feverish or chilly and you just know you’re coming down with something. Acupuncture needles will be utilized at throughout the body to treat your specific type of invasion, i.e., a hot, scratchy sore throat vs. a runny nose with congestion. Cupping can be used to help break up any mucus while easing your aching muscles. Finally, a Chinese herbal formula will be prescribed to help alleviate your symptoms, while addressing your overall immune system. Then you’re sent home to rest and drink plenty of fluids; the classic hallmarks of recovery.

 Last year, I saw a number of patients who were just pummelled with colds and flus, one after the other. In these cases, I worked with them to build back their immunity with acupuncture, cupping, herbs and dietary recommendations. Winter is coming…but that doesn’t mean you have to suffer through it. TCM has some solid solutions for keeping your immunity strong during this blustery season or it can help get back on your feet if do happen to fall ill.

Kavita Gill