When autumn rolls around, it’s a sign that the season of Metal is upon us.
Married together are the Lungs and Large Intestines. Their dynamic relationship is all about receiving and letting go.
The Lung is important in the act of breathing and is given credit for bringing in air for the creation of Qi. The Lung exhales as well as inhales, letting go of toxins in the process. The Large Intestines absorbs fluids but eliminates waste. The Large Intestine is the final stage in the digestive process, connecting with the Earth.
They both open to the external environment; the lungs via the mouth and nose, the large intestines via the anus. The Lungs are also known in Chinese medicine for controlling the diffusing and descending of Qi and body fluids, while regulating the passage of water. It also controls the skin, pores and opens into the nose controlling nasal mucus.
Its emotion is grief, its colour is white, silver or grey, its sound is weeping while also housing the Po or the Corporeal Soul meaning that when the body dies, the Po dies as well. Symptoms of a weakened Metal element are coughing, nasal congestion and a hoarse voice
The lungs are known as the Minister or Chancellor to the Sovereign Emperor, Empress or Heart. The Minister (Lung) converses with the sovereign (Heart), takes the plans and carries them out. The Large Intestines can be compared to garbage collectors who regularly empty people's bins. The garbage collectors need to be recognized for the important work that they do. Imagine a large intestine garbage strike; if this waste isn't cleared quickly, it becomes a health hazard, creating illness and disease.
As the summer sun sets, the last traces of its expansive energies begin to recede back into the earth.
In order to preserve precious life for the next spring, we watch as things begin to die. The leaves and fruits fall and rot. Any remaining seeds are slowly absorbed back into the ground preparing for their winter sleep. Fall is the final stage of the farming season; we collect the last harvest and we pickle and preserve. As the energy contracts, so does nature, moving inward and dryness sets in. Animals and humans alike start collecting food and supplies in preparation for the long winter ahead. We plan for the future in the quiet of the Autumn season. Autumn foods should imitate the contracting nature of the season; astringent, heartier flavours, focused cooking and preparation.
People with a healthy Metal Element can both feel loss and move on. They take in the richness of life in order to feel satisfied and accept that when something is over, they must let go. The Lungs allow people to take in Qi from the heavens. The Large Intestine allows them to let go of all that they have accumulated and that is no longer of use. When a person is able to take in and let go, their life has quality and meaning. If they don't take in, they feel empty inside. If they don't let, go they become congested with unexpressed emotions.
Do you feel the need to become quiet and go inward during the autumn resonate with you? Is your Metal Element in balance or do you feel out of sorts once summer is over?